Mayor Tony Vauss Announces Free Blood Pressure and Diabetes Screenings for Irvington Seniors on June 25th

Irvington, NJ June 18, 2015: Mayor Tony Vauss announced there will be free blood pressure and diabetes screenings on Thursday, June 25, 2015, from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The screenings are part of the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign and are being offered to Irvington residents ages 60 and up. The screenings will take place at the Irvington Senior Center located at 1077 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ.

“My Irvington seniors are near and dear to my heart,” said Mayor Vauss. “In addition to making sure the Senior Center is clean and a pleasant place to come, I am concerned about the health and well-being of my older residents. I want them to come out and have their blood pressure checked and be tested for diabetes. With this important knowledge, they can take care of themselves.”

For more information or to register, contact the Irvington Health Department at 973-399-6716 or the Irvington Senior Center at 973-399-6501.

2015-06-22T08:08:35-04:00June 19, 2015|